Saturday, 29 October 2011

What is anemia? causes, precautions~Adolescent girl care

what is the anemia?
Anaemia  is a reduction in the  oxygen carrying capacity of the blood this may be caused by a decrease in red blood cell(RBC) production or reduction in haemoglobin content of the blood or a combination of these.

Normal Range of Hb
Men 13.5g/dl
Women 11.5g/dl
children 11.0g/dl

signs and syptoms
The following signs and symptoms are commonly seen in anemia for woman of child bearing age
  1. Pallor of the of the mucous mebrane
  2. fatigue
  3. dizziness
  4. fainting
  5. poor concentration
  6. haemoglobin  level  5and 9g/dl
In severe  case
  1. breathlessness on excertion
  2. oedema of the ankles
  3. papitation
  4. headache
  5. increased heart rate
weaned infants and young children

  1. Hb 5to 9g/dl
  2. the children are  dull and inactive and show pallor of the skin
  3. appetitie is poor
  4. poor growth and development
anemia is the most common in india caused by iron deficiency
Iron deficiency due to
  1. To reduce intake of iron content in foods
  2. To reduce absorption of iron
  • Frequent,numerous  or multiple pregnancies
  • chronic infection of the urinary tract infection.
  • Acute or chronic blood loss for example mennorhagia, bleeding, haemorrhoids,antepartum or postpartum haemorrhage.
hookworm infestation.

Daily requirement of iron
  • Adult men 28mg daily
  • Adult women 30 mg daily
  • pregnancy 38 mg daily
  • lactation 30 mg daily
How will correct the iron deficiency anemia? 
most  common problem of the womens health is anemia. it will correct by intake of rich iron diet and to improve the sanitary latrine and wear shoes during going out side.

Rich iron diet
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Jaggery
  • meat
  • fish
  • egg yolk
  • wholemeal bread
  • liver
  • kidney
  • beef
  • legumes
what is the factor affecting iron absorption
  1. Absorption of iron inhibited by tea or coffee.
  2. Absorption of iron increased by ascorbic acid like vit c fruits.
  3. Excess of calcium interferes in the absorption of iron.
  4. Excess of phosphates and phytates lower the absorption of iron
  5. oxalic acid present in some food interferes in the absorption of iron

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