Foot care for the diabetic patient
During bathe
Use mild soaps.- patient with diabetes are more suscptible to infection generally heal more slowly than other person.
- special attention must be given to skin care.
- Diabetic patient must be know about the foot care is very important. It prevent complication of diabetic foot.
- Bath daily and dried thorouughly.
- carbuncles may develop follow area common in diabetes.Back of the neck,Axillae,Groin.
- To avoid dry skin, a lubricant can be used when bathing or showeing.
- All diabetes should need to known how to prevent the complication of diabetic foot ulcer and warning sings of foot infection.
During bathe
- use warm water.
- pat your skin dry, do not rub, thoroughly dry your feet.
- After washing use lotion on your feet to prevent cracking do not put lotion between your toes.
Toenails care
- Cut toenails after bathing.
- Cut toenails straight across and smooth with a nail file.
- Avoid cutting into the corness of toes.
- To use microcellular cheapels.
- should walk with wear foot.
- prevent fungal infection of the feet used by socks or stockings should be washed daily.
- you have at least two paris of shoes and should wear them on alternate days.
- leather shoes best for foot.
- To avoid pressure anywhere on the foot and to allow fairly free movement of the toes within the shoe.
- walk and exercise in comfortable shoes.
- Avoid shoes with high heels and pointed shoes.
- Avoid thight socks.
- used cotton socks.
- To avoid walk with bare foot.
- To avoid vigorous scratching of mosquito or other insect bites to use mosquito rejpellent or mosquito net.
- To avoid injury to their feet and legs.
- To watch daily and care fully for any infection the feet.
- examine your feet daily any blisters, cuts, scratches, or other sores.
- Any swelling ,pain, high temperature ,injury to seek medical advise immediately.