Sunday, 27 November 2011

Garlic for heart health

                                   HEALTHY HEART

Benefit of garlic for heart


  • Garlic help to prevent heart disease.It may lower blood pressure slightly 900mg daily intake to standaridized garlic powder slowed the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Garlic may help improve iron metobolism.
  • Food studies on garlic show this allium vegetable to have important cardio protective properties garlic is clearly able to lower our blood triglycerides and total cholesterol,even though this reduction can be moderate(5-15%).
  • Those top level benefits clearly come in the form of blood cell and blood vessel protection from inflammatory and oxidative stress.
  • Reduce cholesterol and blood pressure translate into a reduced risk of heart.
  • Garlic helps prevent blood clots from forming and it's extremely benefical.
  • It also helps regulate blood pressure.
  • It is natural antibiotic and it has anti fungal,anti bacterial properties.
  • It is linked to cardiovascular health, it which reacts with red blood cells and produces hydrogen sulphide that relaxes the blood vessels and keeps your blood flowing easily.
  • To prevent blood clot.It can increase nitric oxide production in the blood vessels.It help to dilate  the blood vessel and aids in fibirinolysis or dissolving of blood clotting.

Nutrative value of garlic


  1. Very low in saturated fat.
  2. No cholesterol.
  3. Very low in sodium.
  4. Low in sugar.
  5. High in calcium.
  6. Very high in maganese.
  7. High in phosphorous.
  8. Heigh in selenium.
  9. Very high in vitaminB6.
  10. Very high in vitamin c
  Nutrient value of per 100gm garlic

Nutrient Value
Percentage of RDA
149 Kcal
33.06 g
6.36 g
Total Fat
0.5 g
0 mg
Dietary Fiber
2.1 g

3 µg
0.700 mg
Pantothenic acid
0.596 mg
1.235 mg
0.110 mg
0.200 mg
Vitamin A
9 IU
Vitamin C
31.2 mg
Vitamin E
0.08 mg
Vitamin K
1.7 µg

153 mg
401 mg

181 mg
18 %
0.299 mg
1.70 mg
25 mg
1.672 mg
153 mg
14.2 µg
1.160 mg

5 µg
0 µg
16 µg

Saturday, 26 November 2011

prevent unwanted pregnancy

Health aspects of small family

  1. A small family with considerable spacing is a blessing to her.
  2. The pregnancy and post partum period makes her very weak and anemic too.
  3. To make up for the lost energy and health she should adopt the modern contraceptive method to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  4. Too close pregnancies not only weaken the mother but also result in the birth of malnourished babies.
  5. It is necessary for every woman to maintain good health.
  6. small family helps nation in controlling the population growth thereby brining down all the problems created by population explosion.
  7. India stands as the largest populous country in the world.
  8. Many women does not known about the contraception of spacing methods that lead to population increased one of the reason in india.
  9. Unwanted pregnancy is of the reason for increased population rate in India.
  10. It is necessary all woman known about the contraception method.

Hormonal method

                                combined oral contraceptive pill

what is combined oral contraceptive pill?

The combine oral contraceptive pill contains synthetic steroid hormones estrogen and progetogen in varying amounts depending on which preparation is prescribed.


1.compained oral contraceptive pill is an oral contraceptive for women.
2.It is a hormonal which can prevent pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation.
3.It is used correctly and strictly as per instructions, they are about 100 per cent effective.
4.It is most effective and reversible method of contraception currently avilable.
5.It is suitable for spacing method  for young couples below the age of 30years.

Mode of action

1.To prevent the release of the ovum from the ovary.
2.It is suppress FSH and LH  production causing the ovaries to go into a resting sate, ovarian follicles do no mature and ovulation does not normally take place.

Type of pill and dosage


Both are containgin  Norgestrel 0.3mg
Ethinyl oestradiol 0.03mg
A packet of pill containing 28 pills,of which 21 are contraceptive pills and remaining 7 are iron tablets.

How to take?


  1. First pill is taken strictly on the 5th day of the menstrutaion.
     2.Any deviation in this respect may not prevent pregnancy.

    3.Daily one tablet should be taken from the packet as indicated by the arrows on the pack till all the pills   are consumed.

    4.After the pack is finished a new packet should be started from the very  next  day.

    5.Instruction issued with each packet should be closed followed.
   6.The pill should be taken every day at fixed the preperably before going to bed at night.
   7.The pill given orallyl for 21 consecutive days begining on the 5th day of the menstrual cycle followed by a break of 7 days during which period memstruation occurs.
  8.If bleeding does not occur the woman is instructed to start the second cycle one week after the preceding one.
 9.The woman menstruates after the second course of pill intake.
10.If forgotten to take the pill she should take the missed pill as soon as possible or a pills the next days one in the morning and one in the evening.

failure rate

If the pill is not taken daily it increases the chances of conception.

  1. Good spacing method.
  2. It is used correctly and strictly almost 100% prevent the conception.
  3. No interference with sexual intercourse.
  4. Reversible method.
Other advantages
  1. Protection aganist ovarian and endometrial canceres.
  2. prevention of ovarian cyst and fibroids.
  3. some other disease Iron deficiency anemia pelvic inflammatory disease ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Removing anxiety about the risk of unplanned pregnancy.


  1.  Medical examination is necessary before starting the pill.
  2. Side effects.
  3. Strictly and correctly taken the pill at every day.
  4. All women are not fit for  pill intake because of certain contraindication.
  5. STI non use of barrier methods.
  6. Number of sexual partners.

Using age
  1. The pill is recommended below the 35 years age of women.
  2. It is used birth spacing in younger mother.
  3. It is not recommended beyond 40 years of age.
Contraindication  to pill use

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Lactating mother during first 12 months.
  3. History of arterial or venous thrombosis or predisposing factors such as immobility.
  4. Hypertension, diabetes.
  5. focal or crescendo migraines.
  6. current liver disease.
  7. Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding.
  8. Hydatitiform mold.
  9. Smoking of the women is over 35 years old.
  10. BMI over 30.
  11. cancer of the breast orgenitals

side effects

First few weeks of use some women may experience.

  1. Mild nausea, depression.
  2. dizziness
  3. Headache.
  4. Intermenstrual bleeding.
  5. spotting.
  6. weight gain or tender breast.
Those symptoms are similar those of early pregnancy and well settle down after the regular use of the pill 2 to 3 months.

Wanted to stop the pill following symptoms occur
  1. Sudden severe chest pain.
  2. Sudden breathlessness.
  3. Severe unilateral calf pain..
  4. severe abdominal pain.
  5. Unusal severe prolonger headache.

Friday, 11 November 2011

Immunization schedule inI india at Tamilnadu

                               IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE



  VACCINE                                                         SCHEDULE

BCG,Hep B Birth dose,
OPV O dose                                                                At birth

Pentavalent(DPT+HepB+Hib) OPV                             6weeks

Pentavalent(DPT+HepB+Hib) OPV                             10weeks

Pentavalent(DPT+HepB+Hib) OPV                             14weeKS

Measles    1 dose                                                         9months

DPT Booster,OPV Booster,Measles 2dose                  16-24 Months

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Benifit and important of breast feeding


           All mother must be know about the breast feed in correct position, attachment, advantages and problem correction in breast feeding. It lead to good health for mother and baby.

what are the benefit of breast feeding?

                                              Benefit for the baby


  • Breast milk contains all the nutrients in the right proportion.which are need for optimum growth and development of the baby during first six month.
  • Breast milk also contains hormones and growth factors some of which are necessary for the maturation of the intestinal tract and development of brain.
  • It protect early malnutrition to reduce infant mortality rate.
  • It is best for the baby.
  • It fully meet the nutritional requirement  of the infant and promote optimal growth.
  • Sucking is good for the baby.It help to development of jaw and teeth.
  • It prevention of neonatal hypocalcaemia and hypemagnsamia.
  • Breast milk are easily digested and better absorbed than other animal milk.

  • Breast feeding protects against diarrhoea,allergies, including asthma respiratory infection.
  • Babies have less chance of developing hypertension,diabetic melitus coronary heart disease apppendicitis, liver disease and even cancer in later in life.
     Babies have higher IQ.

                                            Benefit for Mother

  • To help uterine involution.
  • To reduce chance of postprturm haemoorrhage.
  • It reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  • It creates bonding between the mother and baby,
  • It help parents to space their children.
  • It is natural contraceptive method.
  • It is always clean and sterile.No require preparation.
  • It is available 24 hours.
  • It is available to the baby at correct temperature and easily digested for baby.
  • It does not cost anything.
When will start the breast feed?

  • Support mother to initiate beast feeding within the first hour.
  • The baby's first feed of colostrum is very important because it helps to protect against infection.
  • The baby can feed from its mother whether she is lying down or sitting baby and mother must be comfortable.
  • Initiate breast feeding soon after the baby is born should be emphasizeed.
  • Do not give artificial teats or prelaceal feeds to the newborn example sugar waste or local foods or even water.
  • Even mothers who deliver by cesareen section or assissted devlivery should be supported for early breast feeding and should not be separated from their newborns.
  • feeding the baby on demand help the baby to gain weight.
What is the Sign of good attachment during breast feed?

  1. Baby's chin touches mother's breast.
  2. Baby's mouth is wide open.
  3. Lower lip is turned towards.
What is sign of good position?
  1. The head, neck, and the body of the baby are kept in the sameplan.
  2. Entire body of the baby faces the mother.
  3. Baby's abdomen touches mother's abdomen.
  4. Baby's body is well supported.
Check for baby's for sucking

  • Effective sucking is when the infant shows slow deep sucks, sometimes pausing.
  • If not sucking well then look for ulcers or white patches in the mouth (thrush)
 Problem  of poor attachment or poor position
  1. Pain or damage to nipple leading to sore nipple.
  2. Breast milk not removed effetively thus causing breast engorgement.
  3. Poor milk supply hence baby is not satisfied and irritable after feeding.
  4. Breast produces less milk resulting in frustrated baby who refuses to such. This leads to poor weight gain.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

How to prevent complication of diabetic foot ulcer

Foot care for the diabetic patient

  •            patient with diabetes are more suscptible to infection generally heal more slowly than other person.
  • special attention must be given to skin care.
  • Diabetic patient must be know about the foot care is very important. It prevent complication of diabetic foot.
  • Bath daily and dried thorouughly.
  • carbuncles may develop follow area common in diabetes.Back of the neck,Axillae,Groin.
  • To avoid dry skin, a lubricant can be used when bathing or showeing.
  • All diabetes should need to known  how to prevent the complication of diabetic foot ulcer and warning sings of foot infection.
How to prevent complication for Diabetic foot ulcer?

During bathe

Use  mild soaps.
  • use warm water.
  • pat your skin dry, do not rub, thoroughly dry your feet.
  • After washing use lotion on your feet to prevent cracking do not put lotion between your toes.

Toenails care 
  • Cut toenails after bathing.
  • Cut toenails straight across and smooth with a nail file.
  • Avoid cutting into the corness of toes.     
 Which type of shoes used for diabetes?  
  •  To  use microcellular cheapels.
  • should  walk with wear foot.
  • prevent fungal infection of the feet used by socks or stockings should be washed daily.
  • you have at least two paris of shoes and should wear them on alternate days.
  • leather shoes best for foot.
  • To avoid pressure anywhere on the foot and to allow fairly free movement of the toes  within the shoe.
  • walk and exercise in comfortable shoes.
  • Avoid shoes with high heels and pointed shoes.
  • Avoid thight socks.
  • used cotton socks.
Should be avoid
  • To avoid walk with bare foot.
  • To avoid vigorous scratching of mosquito or other insect bites to use mosquito rejpellent or mosquito net.
  • To avoid injury to their feet and legs.
warning sings
  • To watch daily and care fully for any infection the feet.
  • examine your feet daily any blisters, cuts, scratches, or other sores.
  • Any swelling ,pain, high temperature ,injury to seek medical advise immediately.

    Wednesday, 2 November 2011

    low caloric diet for diabetic melitus

    Diabetic diet   

    • A diabetic diet medically known as medical nutrition therapy(MNT) for diabetes.
    • The goal of nutrition for people with diabetes is to attain the ABC of diabetes.
                       A for HbA1 c
                       B for Blood pressure
                       C for healthy chloesterol levels.
    • Healthy diet and control diet to prevent complication of diabetes melitus.
    Diet control is one of the treatment for diabetic patient.

    Balanced diet                                                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                              Balanced diet is important to maintain health of diabetic patient.A balanced diet contains all nutrients required for health in correct proportion.      It is mainly five food groups are                                                            1.Bread,Rice,Cereal and pasta
    .2.Fruit, vegetables
    3. meat and fish
    4.dairy products
    5.fats, oils and sweets.
    • some one who needs 1,200and 1,600    cal/day
    • Increased intake of protein may help to increase insulin production.
    • may patient have high blood sugar level in morning so a smaller breakfast have to be given.
    • food should given within half an hour after the dose of insulin.

    Metabolism in diabetes melitus    

    • Diabetes melitus the metabolism of carbohydrate,fat and protein are affected.
    • Glucose is not store in liver and muscles caused by lack of insulin. It is lead to high  glucose level in blood.
    • Excess glucose excreted by kindney into urine. This is known as the renal threshold point.

     Fat metabolism 

                   Glucose  is not utlilsed , there is increased breakdown of fats to acetate and ketone bodies. This is known as ketoacidosis it may lead to dehydration and coma.

    Protein metabolism

                    Carbohydrates are not utilised for the production of energy, there is increased breakdown of tissue protein and increased oxidation of dietary protiens for use as energy. It is leading to negative nitrogen balance. Wasting muscle is common for diabetic melitus

       When glucose excreted in urine?
                          160          To urine
                          140          Hyperglycemia

                          100          Normal

                          60            Hypoglycemia

                          LOW CALORIE DIET FOR DIABETES MENU

      Food                                           Nonvegetarian                                                      vegetarian

      Break fast

      Milk                                             100ml                                                                  100ml

      Iddly                                             3                                                                           3

      Egg                                               1                                                                            1

      Mid Morning

      Pulses                                         1/2 cup cooked                                                     1/2 cup cooked


      Cooked rice                               1cup                                                                        1 cup

      potato                                         100g                                                                       100g

      fish                                            1 slice                                                                          

      pulses                                                                                                                        1/2 cup cooked

      Vegetables        GroupA            
                                              cabbage                                                                           cabbage
                                              spinach                                                                             spinach
                                              cauliflower                                                                        cauliflower
                                              ladies finger                                                                       ladies finger
                                              cucumber                                                                          cucumber
                                          (any one 1/2 cup cooked)                                                 (any one 1/2 cooked

                           Group B

                                             double beans                                                               double beans
                                             coriandar leaves                                                           coriandar leaves
                                             beet root                                                                      Beet root
                                             carrot                                                                           carrot
                                             drumstick leaves                                                          drumstick leaves
                                     (any one 1/2 cup cooked)                                                (any one 1/2 cup cooked)


                milk                100ml                                                                    100ml         

               Fruit                Orange  1                                                               Orange 1
                                      Grapes 20                                                              Grapes 20

                                      Guva 1                                                                    Guva 1

                                      Dates 2                                                                    Dates 2

                                     Apple small                                                               Apple small

                                      any one                                                                        any one

          Chappathi           2                                                                                   2

          Pulses                                                                                                        1/2 cup


                        Group A          any one 1/2 cup                                               any one 1/2 cup

                        Group B         any one 1/2 cup                                                any one 1/2 cup

                      Milk                  100ml                                                                    100ml

      Restriction diet for diabetic melitus

      • life style is one of the cause  of diabetic melitus. Therefore we have to restrict some foods such as more fried foods, high fat food at the same time balanced diet is very important to maintain the health of the body.
      • Avoid fried fish
      • Avoid saturated fat, high fat dairy products,highfat animal protein such as beef, hot dogs, egg yolk,shelfish.
      • To eat no more than 200mgm of chlolesterol a days.
      •  sodium aim for less than 2000mg of sodium a day.
      •  you have to eat any rice but eating amount of food is very important.
      • fibre diet add to food  it lead to decrease blood sugar level.
      • Don not eat the following foods, sugar,Honey,jaggry,coconut oil, coconut jatany, horlicks, borunvita,cooldrinks, and  fruit juices. 
      • To avoid tin products..      

        Stop some habits

                 Try to stop consumption of alcohol,smoking and tobacco, used habits.




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