Hands should have been severely affected during winder weather. Ashy,think red and cracked is common problem in winder weather. How to manage the skin problem during cold weather explaine by doctor Anne chapas medical director at union square laser dermatology in new york city.During the winder the decrease the humidity as well as the severe winds causes us lose a lot of water in our skin so that makes everything dry.The following product to use for skin care. 1. Thick,greasy moisturizers containing dimenthicone and lanolin.2. Vaseline 3. Skinfood by weleda.4.cotton gloves.5. Liquid band aids.SKIN CARE 1. To use moisturizers it can prevent skin dryness and irritation,this method is the best way of skin care during cold weather. 2. To use emollients at night before bed and after taking a shower.3. To use skinfood For hands it is very nice ,is essentialy repair skin barrier and to prevent water losing from the skin.4. To wear cotton gloves after applying the lotion at bed time .Cotton is breathable and to help the moisturizers penetrate into the skin better.To limit excess hand washing for using in favour of alcohol based sanitizers ,because soap and deterogent can be dry the skin. 6.To wash your hands with warm water.7. Skin Crackers to apply lotion and any other skin product it can be irritating and even pain ful.crackers should covering with liquid bandage can help burning pain.8. Band aid to makes liquid bandage can help heal the skin.