1.Unhealthy diet.
3.Lack of physical activity.
4.Cigarate smoke.
5.Alochol abuse.
7.some medical condition.
9.Age and gender.
10 Some drugs.
1.Unhealthy diet
Regular intake of high cholesterol fat food can cause of high cholesterol level in blood. Excess cholesterol to build up under the skin tissue and liver it is high risk of heart attack and heart disesae.
cholesterol foods : Egg, kidneys,eggs and some sea foods , beef,pork,veal.
saturated fat: red meat,somepies, sausage, hardcheese, loud,paesty,cakes,more biscuits, cream, dariy products,coconut oil,palm oil.
Trans fat: Trans fat food to increase the triglyceride cholesterol in blood to decrease the HDL cholesterol. Trans food -cake fried food packaged food cookes chips and other snacks.
Your genes- People with close family member who have had either a coronary heart disease or a storke , have a greater risk of high lblood cholesterol levels.The link has been identified if you father/Brother was under 55.Your mother/sister ws under 65 when they had coronary heart disease or a stroke.
3.Lack of physical activity
Lack of exercise or physical activity, most of the time sitting and lying down have significantly higher level of LDL(bad cholesterol)
4.Cigarettes smoke : cigarettes smoke to increase the hard and narrow blood vessels than normal persons, these cause of interefere the blood circulation.It is more risk of heart attack and heart disease.
5.Alcohol abuse:
small amount of wine (red wine) intake to help the healthy heart at the same time to intake more amounts that risk of heart disease.Regular intake of alcohol can lead to raise the LDL cholesterol level and to lower HDL level.
Several studies to found the long term stress can raises the blood cholesterol levels because you habit impaired by mental stress than can cause of eat snacks themeselves, it can lead to high cholesterol level in bloods.stress hormone (adrenaline and cortiso) substance favour the production fo cholesterol.
7. Some medical conditions:
Some medical condition are known to cause LDL level to rase these condition which can be controlled by medically.
Hormone disorder- diabetes
kidney disease- Nephrotic syndrome
chronic kidney disease
High blood pressure
Liver-Liver disease,billary cirrhosis,cholestasis,billary obstruction,pancreatic disease.
Metabolic: Gout
SLE,myeloma, macroglobulinemia.
BMI over 30 and greater, if excess or over weight may to increasing the LDL cholesterol level and lower HDL leve (good cholesterol) compared to people who are normal weight.
9.Age and gender:
Increasing with age more chance of developing atherosclerosis.More common in 55 years . more common in men than women . In men older 45yrs and in women older 55 yrs.
10.Some drug to increase the triglyceride cholesterol level and decrease the HDL level in blood.1.diuretic @.Beta blockers 3.thiazide 4.estrogen 5.cortocosteroids.